
Bij het exporteren (Opslaan) van afbeeldingen en o.a. bij het Watermerk kan er gebruik gemaakt worden van variabelen om bijv. exit data op foto te zetten.

$(ROLL_NAME) film roll of the input image

$(FILE_FOLDER) folder containing the input image

$(FILE_NAME) basename of the input image

$(FILE_EXTENSION) extension of the input image

$(ID) the image id

$(VERSION) the duplicate version number


$(VERSION) but null string if only one version exists

$(VERSION_NAME) version name from metadata

$(SEQUENCE) a sequence number within an export job

$(MAX_WIDTH) maximum image width limit within export session

$(MAX_HEIGHT) maximum image height limit within export session

$(YEAR) year at date of export

$(MONTH) month at date of export

$(DAY) day at date of export

$(HOUR) hour at time of export

$(MINUTE) minute at time of export

$(SECOND) second at time of export

$(EXIF_YEAR) Exif year

$(EXIF_MONTH) Exif month

$(EXIF_DAY) Exif day

$(EXIF_HOUR) Exif hour

$(EXIF_MINUTE) Exif minute

$(EXIF_SECOND) Exif second

$(EXIF_ISO) ISO value

$(EXIF_EXPOSURE) Exif exposure

$(EXIF_EXPOSURE_BIAS) Exif exposure bias

$(EXIF_APERTURE) Exif aperture

$(EXIF_FOCAL_LENGTH) Exif focal length

$(EXIF_FOCUS_DISTANCE) Exif focus distance

$(LONGITUDE) longitude

$(LATITUDE) latitude

$(ELEVATION) elevation

$(STARS) star rating (text only)

$(RATING_ICONS) star rating (using star characters)

$(LABELS) colorlabels (text only)

$(LABELS_ICONS) colorlabels (using colored bullet characters) $(LABELS_COLORICONS) colorlabels (using colored icons)

$(MAKER) camera maker

$(MODEL) camera model

$(LENS) lens $(TITLE) title from metadata

$(DESCRIPTION) description from metadata

$(CREATOR) creator from metadata

$(PUBLISHER) publisher from metadata

$(RIGHTS) rights from metadata

$(TAGS) tags list (Xmp.dc.Subject)

$(CATEGORYn(category)) tag name of level n [0,9] of selected category (or tag)

$(SIDECAR_TXT) content of the text sidecar file (if any)

$(PICTURES_FOLDER) pictures folder

$(HOME) home folder

$(DESKTOP) desktop folder

$(OPENCL_ACTIVATED) whether OpenCL is activated

$(USERNAME) user name defined by OS

$(NL) newline character

$(JOBCODE) internal jobcode of current job


Several pre-defined variables can be used in the pattern as placeholders:

$(HOME) the home folder as defined by the system

$(PICTURES_FOLDER) the pictures folder as defined by the system (usually “$HOME/Pictures”)

$(DESKTOP) the desktop folder as defined by the system (usually “


$(USERNAME) your user account name on the system $(FILE_NAME) basename of the imported image

$(FILE_EXTENSION) extension of the imported image

$(JOBCODE) unique identifier of the import job

$(SEQUENCE) a sequence number within the import job

$(MAX_WIDTH) maximum image width to limit within export session

$(MAX_HEIGHT) maximum image height to limit within export session

$(ID) unique identification number of the image in darktable's database

$(YEAR) year at the date of import

$(MONTH) month at the date of import

$(DAY) day at the date of import

$(HOUR) hour at the time of import

$(MINUTE) minute at the time of import

$(SECOND) second at the time of import

$(EXIF_YEAR) year the photo was taken (from Exif data)

$(EXIF_MONTH) month the photo was taken (from Exif data)

$(EXIF_DAY) day the photo was taken (from Exif data)

$(EXIF_HOUR) hour the photo was taken (from Exif data)

$(EXIF_MINUTE) minute the photo was taken (from Exif data)

$(EXIF_SECOND) seconds the photo was taken (from Exif data)

$(EXIF_ISO) ISO value of the photo (from Exif data


$(DARKTABLE.NAME) The application name

$(DARKTABLE.VERSION) The version of darktable

$(WATERMARK_TEXT) A short free text (max. 63 characters)

$(WATERMARK_COLOR) The color to use for

$WATERMARK_TEXT $(WATERMARK_FONT_FAMILY) The font family to use for $WATERMARK_TEXT $(WATERMARK_FONT_STYLE) The font style (normal, oblique, italic) $(WATERMARK_FONT_WEIGHT) The font weight (boldness)

$(IMAGE.ID) The unique image id within current library

$(IMAGE.FILENAME) The image filename

$(IMAGE.BASENAME) The image file basename

$(IMAGE.EXIF) The image Exif string

$(EXIF.DATE) The image date

$(EXIF.DATE.SECOND) Seconds from the image Exif data

$(EXIF.DATE.MINUTE) Minutes from the image Exif data

$(EXIF.DATE.HOUR) Hours from the image Exif data (24h)

$(EXIF.DATE.HOUR_AMPM) Hours from the image Exif data (12h, AM/PM) $(EXIF.DATE.DAY) Day of month from the image Exif data (01 .. 31) $(EXIF.DATE.MONTH) Month from the image Exif data (01 .. 12) $(EXIF.DATE.SHORT_MONTH) Month from the image Exif data localized (Jan, Feb, .. Dec) $(EXIF.DATE.LONG_MONTH) Month from the image Exif data localized (January, February, .. December)

$(EXIF.DATE.SHORT_YEAR) Abbreviated year from the image Exif data (2013 is "13") $(EXIF.DATE.LONG_YEAR) Full year from the image Exif data

$(DATE) Current system date

$(DATE.SECOND) Current system time seconds

$(DATE.MINUTE) Current system time minutes

$(DATE.HOUR) Current system time hours (24h)

$(DATE.HOUR_AMPM) Current system time hours (12, AP/PM)

$(DATE.DAY) Current system time day of month (01 .. 31)

$(DATE.MONTH) Current system time month (01 .. 12)

$(DATE.SHORT_MONTH) Current system time month localized (Jan, Feb, .. Dec) $(DATE.LONG_MONTH) Current system time month localized (January, February, .. December) $(DATE.SHORT_YEAR) Current system time year (abbreviated) $(DATE.LONG_YEAR) Current system time year

$(EXIF.MAKER) The maker of the camera

$(EXIF.MODEL) The camera model

$(EXIF.LENS) The specific lens used

$(Xmp.dc.creator) The creator string

$(Xmp.dc.publisher) The publisher string

$(Xmp.dc.title) The title of the image

$(Xmp.dc.description) The description of the image. Some cameras use this to store shoot-time user-specified text (also called “Exif.Photo.UserComment”). $(Xmp.dc.rights) The rights assigned to the image

$(GPS.LATITUDE) The image latitude coordinate (N/S 0 .. 90)

$(GPS.LONGITUDE) The image longitude coordinate (E/W 0 .. 180)

$(GPS.ELEVATION) The image elevation level (meters)

$(GPS.LOCATION) All three coordinates (latitude, longitude, elevation

Voorbeeld datum - camera merk type - GPS locatie:


Voorbeeld datum-camera-tijd-gps-locatie


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